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Guidelines on How to Educate the Kids About Money

Most of the parent reward their children with allowances but it has come to realize that only a few or none will save the pocket money that they have been given by their guardian. You need to take the responsibility as a parent to teach your children about the money since there is no other source they can learn from on saving. It is important to teach and recruit the teenagers about handling money and their personal finances, this is because most of them lack knowledge and information hence teaching is significant. You need to teach your kids on how to save thus they have the knowledge handling the personal finance thus they will have the prosperity hence it will be easy for them to save. There are guidelines on how to educate the kids about money this include.

One of the guidelines is the ditching of the system of allowances. You need to avoid giving your kids allowances for something that they have not worked for this will help to avoid having the expectations that are not real. It is important to let them be used to be getting their payment after accomplishing their task; this will help them to work harder to reach to the target so that they can have the set allowances. You need to make sure that you make the payment that is equal to the work that they have worked for hence you need to formulate a checklist of the chores to ensure that you make the exact payment.

There is the technique of building a good habit on your kids early on. You need to teach your kids to develop the culture of not spending all the money that they earn this is because kids have the tendency of using all the money , this will help them not to use all the money that they get. You need also to motivate them that you will boost them with some cash one they hit the target hence they will minimize on the expenses and increase in their saving.

There is the techniques of outlining to then the dangers of mismanaging the money that they have. You need to tell your children about the facts and consequences of using the credit card inappropriately since most of them are suffering from this problem.

There is the guideline of leading by example as parent to the kids on how to use and save the cash. You need to avoid the impulse buying when you go shopping with your kids and this will help them to learn from you hence they learn the dangers of impulse buying thus give an explanation.