Impotence is Erectile Dysfunction, Recognize the Cause

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Impotence is Erectile Dysfunction, Recognize the Cause

Impotence is one of the problems that can occur in men. In general, this condition is not dangerous.

Impotence is a condition related to sexual dysfunction and this problem can occur at any age. But usually the condition most often occurs in older men.

There are various factors that can cause impotence. Causes of impotence are factors that can come from physical or psychological.

Impotence was also higher in men diagnosed with one or more cardiovascular risk factors. Erectile dysfunction is not always a concern. Also, you can buy Levitra kaufen via online However, if it continues, it can cause stress, affect self-confidence and contribute to relationship problems.

Impotence can also be a sign of an underlying health condition. It’s like nervous, cardiac, and cardiovascular disorders.

Causes of impotence

Endocrine disorders

Impotence is a condition that can indicate an endocrine disorder. The body’s endocrine system produces hormones that regulate metabolism, sexual function, reproduction, mood, and more. Diabetes is an example of an endocrine disease that can cause impotence. But you can buy Levitra Generika on Internet.

One of the complications associated with chronic diabetes is nerve damage. This affects the sensation of the penis. Other complications associated with diabetes include impaired blood flow and hormone levels. Both of these factors can contribute to impotence.

Nervous disorders

A number of neurological conditions can increase the risk of impotence. Nerve conditions affect the brain’s ability to communicate with the reproductive system. This is what can hinder the achievement of an erection.

Neurological disorders associated with impotence include Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, brain or spinal cord tumors, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and temporal lobe epilepsy. Someone who has had prostate surgery can also experience nerve damage that causes impotence. Long-distance cyclists can experience temporary impotence. Repeated pressure on the buttocks and genitals can affect nerve function.

Specific treatment

Certain medications can affect blood flow, leading to impotence. Examples of drugs known to cause impotence include alpha-adrenergic blockers, beta-blockers, cancer chemotherapy drugs, central nervous system depressants, CNS stimulants, diuretics, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and synthetic hormones.

Heart related conditions

Conditions that affect the heart and its ability to pump blood properly can lead to impotence. Without sufficient blood flow to the penis, men cannot achieve an erection.

Atherosclerosis, a condition that causes blood vessels to become blocked, can lead to impotence. High cholesterol and hypertension are also associated with an increased risk of impotence.

Lifestyle factors and emotional disorders

Lifestyle can be the cause of impotence. To achieve an erection, men must go through a phase of excitement. This phase can be an emotional response. If you have an emotional breakdown, this will affect your ability to be sexually excited. Anytime you can order Levitra rezeptfrei on Internet via online.

Depression and anxiety are associated with an increased risk of impotence. The fatigue associated with depression can also lead to impotence. Abusing drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines can also cause impotence. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism can affect the ability to achieve or maintain an erection as well.

Impotence treatment

Impotence treatment is based on the cause. Doctors will ensure that people who experience impotence receive the correct treatment for the underlying condition. The doctor will then treat the erectile dysfunction directly. Here are the treatment options for impotence:

Oral medicine

There are several oral medications that can be prescribed for impotence. The drugs for impotence are sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), vardenafil (Levitra), and avanafil. Most of these drugs like Levitra works after 1 hours consumption. You can also buy Levitra via online. These drugs do not automatically cause an erection. People who drink it still have to get some sexual stimulation for them to work. They do not cause sexual arousal and are not aphrodisiacs.


If erectile dysfunction does not respond to treatment, they may be offered alprostadil. This is a man-made hormone that can help stimulate blood flow to the penis. The hormone can be injected directly into the penis or placed in the urethra in the form of a pellet.

Vacuum pump

Another alternative treatment for impotence is a vacuum pump. It can be operated by hand or battery powered. A vacuum pump can allow a man to maintain an erection for about 30 minutes.


A surgical procedure may be recommended but only if all other treatment methods have failed. This surgical treatment involves placing an implant, which can be semi-rigid or inflatable, inside the penis.

Psychological treatment

If impotence is caused by stress, anxiety, or other psychological reasons, the doctor will advise the person to see a psychologist or counselor.

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